Friday, October 14, 2011

Are we making the right decision

Are we making the right decision in regards to Kayden? In my heart I know that we are, but my brain has been getting the best of me the past few days. I have been consumed with googling over and over cochlear implants, reading and rereading the same information over and over. I am scared that what if it does not work right and we destroy what little hearing he has left, or there is the side effect of bacterial meningitis. While I know that the risk of getting meningitis is low it still freaks me out. My baby has been through so much already in 4 years of living I would hate to have something so horrible happen. I know that we got the meningitis vaccine almost two weeks ago, so it provides some sort of piece of mind. I have to keep telling myself that god will not allow that to happen. God made these doctors to do his work in healing my sons. I guess the mom in me is starting to freak out because I know someone is going to be cutting into my son's skull. To add to my apprehension, Kayden has been sick with a cold all week. Almost everytime he gets a cold is ears drain from the tubes. If his ear is not clear on Monday when we go to see Dr. Bauer then she will postpone the surgery for a few months. So I have been O.C.D. on checking to make sure his ears are clear. He probably thinks I am nuts. Ha Ha! On a more positive note Preston has kept his ears in for three days straigh without trying to take them apart or chew on them. This is a record I hope he finally is realizing that these things do help me hear. I just wish he would catch up with language. He still only has about 20 words and he is 27 months. I know he will. He is already talking so much more than Kayden ever did at this age. I just hoped since he got hearing aids so much sooner that he would catch up alot faster. It will happen in God's time. I hope everyone enjoyed my rant I feel better so I will go for now.

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